Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sutra of the week

II.43  kaya indriya siddhih asuddhiksayat tapasah

Self-discipline (tapas-a burning desire) destroys all impurities, perfecting the body, mind and senses,  so that consciousness functions freely and attains divinity.

This morning I am tired.  Actually mentally and physically tired.  The feeling comes at a time when I need to hunker down and study,  practice,  and get ready for the race this weekend.  I have never imagined I would be able to do all this in one day.  Reading the sutras and getting to the mat help to keep my mind and body refreshed, not dull.  I do feel that inner tapas finally coming through! Maybe it was Rajiv  this weekend who finally encouraged us all in the workshop to realize that it is NOT just about the body and the alignment.  It is about balancing out our thoughts and when we get to that stage in our practice we are NOW doing yoga. It is funny because we all think we are doing that until he is there putting us through the paces (his words) and keeps us so present by saying shoulder blades,  rotation,  breath,  all this keeps us in that very moment. 

**This week,  think about what keeps you going.  What pose, what instruction,  what sutra,  what quote,  whatever it is, keep it in mind each time you think you cannot do it.  Each time you are tired or sore,  you are not just your body. 

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