Monday, August 8, 2016

Classes here in India

Iyengar yoga classes here in India are full.  Full of people sweating and thinking,  full of meaning, full of inspiration. If someone on the street who had never done this method of yoga heard what was going on, they would think we were all crazy, or 'brainwashed' as Prashant likes to say.  

This morning I observed prashants class so I could attend Abhijata's class this evening. I woke up, had my coffee, went over to the institute and actually took over five pages of notes!  I was trying to write down everything he said to see if my bouncing ball could follow his. It worked!  I followed up until the last fifteen or so minutes and my brain and right hand were tired.  

He spoke Classic Prashant-isms:  doing, doing, doing, die;  rather than doing it outsourced, do more insourcing;  activity on awareness for, with, in, and by awareness, by watching you, others learn-by that very thing, we are objects of learning for others;  castor oil......and so much more!  He spoke today about why he stays put in Pune and his home. He said it's mainly because the world is like the lions cage,  we keep taunting the lion behind his bars. It was kind of a crazy two hours, but I followed it so much better by observing.

At practice I was feeling pretty good, so I went for twists.  Then tonight, Abhi taught the first Seven poses I did in practice today.  (I seem to have good luck with this, especially three years ago when I had an excorcism!) 

It was an incredible class.  I know my teachers say if I work my legs more, my outer hips and buttocks my current mid-section issues would get better. By softening, yes, I said it, the abdomen and working the limbs, I felt it! I guess I just needed to be here and have some drill it into my thick skull.  I have had this thought in my head for so long but this was the first time I had a glimpse. I'm pretty sure my buttocks were spinning as was my head.

Thank you Abhijata.  You are the bright future and I couldn't be more inspired right now.

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