Saturday, August 3, 2013

One more carrot to round things out

This is how you buy veggies.  You go up to the cart,  there are others there and they are determined you will not cut in line even though they just cut you off in line.  I think Dana and I are getting the hang of this now.  You grab a bowl put some stuff in it and hand it to the weigher guy.  He then determines what the weight is,  adds another carrot, potato or whatever else he needs it to get to so it is even in rupees.  We just nod and say ok since it is still only $1.19 for an entire bag of veggies.  We can always use another carrot.

We have been here 4 days now.  It is getting easier to not be so startled by the things you see, smell,  and hear.  We woke up this morning at the advice of our host and went to the agricultural college to walk and enjoy a bit of nature.  It was funny because we have been hesitant to walk around and explore. Everyday we do branch out a little further,  but upon her confidence of our ability to cross a street (which if you have never crossed the street in India, just make sure you find a small lady who looks confident to cross with a couple times and you get the hang of it.....) we go a little bit further out.  It is lovely place complete with a Men's Parlour, big jungle trees, the Consulate of Sugar, and old buildings that look as though they have been there a very long time.  Upon coming out of the College, you see the Pune Central, the local mall.  From what our host told us,  it used to be very quaint on this street.  With the addition of the mall, more traffic, more people, more everything.

So you are wondering, "What about the Yoga!?".  Well,  Friday was our first Pranayama class with Abhijata, Geetas granddaughter.  It was not as crowded as I thought it would be, but people do get very attached to there spot and there props.  Abhijata has the most soothing voice,  someone I know may have dosed off a bit due to the jet lag and lovely Indian accent.  She is also firm in her teaching. While in Savasana preparing for Pranayama, she said, "Express your chest!" How does that make sense?  It just does when you are here.   It amazes that even here people do not here the teacher, assuming she could not possibly be speaking to them.  Yesterday was our first morning asana class. Of course Dana I get there early so we can find a spot, sit and calm our nerves a bit.  While sitting there in walks B.K.S. Iyengar,  he is sparkling even at 94, it makes me remember how lucky I am to have the ability to come here. (Those eyebrows,  I just think everyone should stop trimming, waxing, threading or whatever you do to your brows and get more natural, it really does look better people.)  Raya (not sure of the spelling) does the announcements:  Please do not bow as Guruji is walking,  please wash your legs up to the knees before coming in to the hall,  please do not set up your props and walk away from them,  make sure to help put props up and do not leave it for them to fix later.  He does the invocation, when we open our eyes, there she is,  Geeta.  The person for whom I have been so afraid of, when I have not even met her.  She was very firm,  very funny, and at times very frustrated with people who do not understand English or Hindi.  We were in a very long Prasarita Padottanasana and she says,  "Take your eyes to the floor,  now, take your face to the floor, kiss the floor!  You know you want to!" Then she laughs and laughs.  For our first Geeta class is was a great experience.  The sequencing of twists so brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to have class with Geeta! And I love the dog. :)
