Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sutra II.36

Sutra II.36-satyapratishayam kriyaphalasrayatvam

-When the sadhaka (student) is firmly established in the practice of truth,  his words become so potent that whatever he says comes to realization. (YESS!!!!!)
*Light on the yoga sutras explanation-Most of us think we tell the truth,  but truth is causal,  not integrated and cellular.  For instance,  if we say "I will never eat chocolate again",  as long as one cell of our body holds back and disagrees with the others,  our success is not assured.  if the stated intention is totally whole-hearted, not one cell dissembling,  then WE CREATE THE REALITY WE DESIRE.  It is not our mind,  but the inner voice of our cells which has the power to implement our intentions.

WHOA nelly!  After hearing of the yoga new lately,  which I am late on hearing apparantly,  this is a great sutra for us all.  Be truthful in your words.  Be truthful in you actions.  Be truthful in your thoughts.  Be truthful in your asana practice.  Just be truthful,  get the point?  It frustrates me sometimes to think that we do all this asana, we study,  we chant,  we do our best and then..............hole crap what was that guy thinking??  It happens to all of us at one point or another,  our words, thoughts, and actions do not match, which is why I do not judge.  I have not always been this truthful,  not always been one to listen to my inner voice, but this is all the more reason to delve deeper into practice and study.  To keep moving towards our goal.  You know the one that yolk to bind to connect with our inner self.  The inner self that comes to the forefront to help us make better decisions, to be more compassionate,  to be content with what is at this very second?

As we all go through another week,  think on this sutra.  Study, chant it,  write it down.  Then journal about what it means to be truthful to you.  It may not be the same for us all,  but we all know of the importance of truthtelling.  Pretty sure ALL  of our mothers taught us this at one point or another:)

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