Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sequence from IYCD this week

Here is the sequence from Tuesday at the Iyengar Yoga Center:

Adho Mukha Virasana-create length,  you will notice a theme in this class....
Eka Pada Pavanmuktasana-with partner to draw the outer hip away from should to create length again,  make sure that the straight leg on the floor stays active!
Supta Padangusthasana I & II-same thing goes in this pose too,  stay active through bottom let and continue to draw outer hip away from shoulder,  keeping the sides of the spine even and long long long!
Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana with 2 partners-one using strap to bring weight back into the legs,  keep your legs straight by firming those thighs,  the other partner gently rolls the triceps in and towards one another then moves the shoulder blades in and up
Uttanasana-hands on bricks to maintain concave back,  be sure to keep hips moving back and lifting the ribs up and away from the thighs,  move chest forward
Trikonasana- Back foot at wall,  if you have ropes available,  use them for your back arm.  Hold on as long as you can while maintaining even sides of your trunk,  keep head in line with tailbone,  and lift lift lift you front knee cap to roll the thigh out and keep outer hip in
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana-using a chair first at the wall for the heel,  then press your right foot into the wall while maintaining a straight tadasana standing leg,  take arms over head to challenge the balance
Move away from the wall now!!
Same pose,  hold onto the big toe with your peace fingers,  lift the knee up keeping once again both sides of the spine long!  
Same pose again,  this time start to straighten the leg by pressing the toe into the fingers, pulling with the fingers and keeping the chest lifted.  If you have someone nearby,  ask them to see if your shoulders are in alignment,  I noticed that most of us (me included)  tend to crunch the side of the spine of the leg lifted. Balance and smile and be happy.
 Uttanasana-full pose
Prasarita Padottanasana-full pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Vipariti Karani-with support under hips

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