Friday, January 20, 2012

Steady and Comfotable?!

This was a week of closing doors and opening others.  At the senior center,  we lost 4,  4 are under the weather and 4 new students came to yoga.  This is a great time to be alive and to see the changes that are before us.  Some people become more entrenched in their current ways,  others see this is a time to open up and become whatever they want to.  They see this is a time that they can build upon the wonderful parts that are them.  I am so lucky to be able to witness the transformations!

Yoga is just a start for this.  People come to class because their back hurts,  or they had some surgery they are trying to recover from,  others are just simply curious.  There is a place for each of them in yoga as long as they are open to learning new ways of doing things.  Often times beginners do not want to use the props,  but in time they see they are not only a way to make asana practice safe,  they are there to encourage students to try things they never thought possible.  

This week in class,  one of my all time favorite students called me Boss.  It made me giggle.  Who would in a million years ever call me boss?  I guess in some ways I am at that moment to them.  Another student stuck their tongue out at me while I was preparing them for backward extensions.  My favorite this week was when someone else called me balanced.......if you know me at all,  you know that I do strive for this,  but just like most I have my moments.  

I thought on the comment,  balanced,  me?  Whoop!  I must have done something right in my own asana practice that morning.  It was a practice that began like most others,  chanting,  childs pose,  vajrasana,  dog,  uttanasana,  then some study of the sutras.  After studying that morning I did a practice of standing poses,  not pushing and straining, but made sure my mind and breath were always connected.  At one point,  the Vizsla came in,  sat down right in front of me, had a big sigh,  and went to lie down onto her little yoga blanket. 

As you move through your weekend,  please be attentive to your body,  your breath,  what is the state of your mind?  Let this be where all things come from,  a balanced place.

Sutra II.46  Sthira, sukham, asanam

** Posture should be steady and comfortable

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