Monday, October 17, 2011

Sutra of the week

I passed.  This experience has been great.  I am especially happy that I shared this time with my husband and my fellow teacher.  When someone says to me,  it is what you make it.  It is true.  It is always true.
With all this I am still happy to wake up,  do pranayama and read  the sutras. I was not sure if after all this I would want to.  Just want to say this,  it works.  If anyone ever had any doubts about this method of yoga and what it does for the mind, body, and soul connection, have no fear.  Really,  no fear.  Whats the point.  Live the truth and be happy.  That is what we can do day to day.  

Sutra II-43 Kayedriya Siddhir Asuddhi Ksayat Tapaasah
!. By austerity, impurities of body and senses are destroyed and occult powers gained.
2. Self-disciplin (TAPAS) burns away impurities and kindles the sparks of divinity.
3. Through destruction of impurities, practice of austerities brings about perfection of the body and the organs.
4.  By-purificatory-actions, the removal of impurity and attainments of the physical body and the senses.

**  These are all different translations from these authors respectively:
Sri Swami Satchidananda-1978
BKS Iyengar-1993
Swami Hariharananda Aranya-1963
Rama Prasada-1912


1 comment:

  1. I wanted to see if I could post a comment.
