Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monsoon season is over

Today is the 7th day we have been in Pune.  The first 4 days is rained a lot, each day after less and less. The 5th day we were at our usual park we walk around.  We walked, Dana took a photo of a group of young girls who wanted us in the photo, we also noticed something different about the park that day.  The park benches are covered in what looks like a cross between plaster and cement. They have begun to scrape the dried mixture away to reveal a beautiful dark wood, which is then covered in a brick color that is so lovely against all the greenery.  They are painting, cleaning, moving dirt, rocks and trash around to different parts of the park.  No doubt in an effort to get the park ready for Independence Day next week.  I think that the park is a good metaphor for what India can do to your soul.  Scrape away the dullness, bring out the truth of it all.

Speaking of dullness,  Geeta's classes are anything but that.  She speaks straight to your heart, your mind, your body.  She commands attention. Not just because she can scream or yell.  She has the experience of the asanas in her own body even though she is no longer able to do the more difficult ones.  She says on the 2nd Sirsasana of the class (after the 1st 10 minute head balance and standing poses) , "Don't come down! If you come down, go back up!  Be firm, be resilient, be strong!" I was not sure if it was myself I did not want to let down or her.  So I kept going back up.  Doing the variations in anyway I can.

I will leave you with a few last things:
-1st blackout last night, lasted 10 minutes
-heard a car backing up yesterday to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,  not beeps
-5 chai's to date
-Handism, Handology,  Handosophy,  Armology, Armosophy, Armisms

Women's Class with  Geeta  (from what I can remember)-Yes this was done in 2 hours, 10 minutes
Janusirsasana x 2
TMP-use straight leg hand to balance hips
Marichyasana 1 x 2
Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana x 2
Sirsasana 5 minutes, then variations
Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Vira II, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana,  Parsvottanasana,  Prasarita Padottanasana
(Repeat above and add Parivrtta Trikonasana before Paivrtta Ardha Chandrasana)
Sirsasana 3 minutes, then variations
Chatush x 3 hold ankles, 3rd time bring hands to back for Setubhanda, then Eka Pada Setubhanda
Come down
Swing legs over to Halasana, Sarvangasana, Eka Pada, Supta Konasana, Ardha Halasana, Karnipidasana, Parsva Karnipidasana
Malasana-full pose

This is Nana, very famous rickshaw driver these days.  He always takes us to the very best places:-)

Lakshmi Road Flower vendor

Mandai Market

Mandai Market,  very fresh Cilantro!

Mandai Market

Vivikenanda Temple-So quiet. Nana took us there for the 4pm meditation.

Our Faces

Parvati Hill-You can see all of Pune from up here.  I liked this view better:-)

The unveiling has begun!

This is a sign in the little park by us.  It has many different paths complete with traffic looking signals.  I am still not sure about this sign,  this is one of three. 


  1. That was some sequence from Geeta! How did you survive it? You guys are doing so great!

  2. Angie, these photos are beautiful! You look great, beauty is radiating from you! I wish I understood your yoga sequence! Miss you
