Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Senior Sequence

This is the sequence from yesterdays class at Northglenn:

-Cat/Cow use breath and articulate the movement from the tailbone and the sternum.  
-Vajrasana-sit on heels with blankets or bolster, toes pointed back.  After 2 minutes,  lean forward, tuck toes under.  Repeat this 3 times.
-Tadasana with Urdvha Hastasana,  use belt around wrists to help keep the arms straight.  Only take the arms up  as much as you can,  remember, do not overdo! 
-Put belt around wrists again,  but this time back behind you.  Loosen the loop as needed for your shoulders.  Then,  bend forward into Uttanasana lifting the shoulders up away from the neck.  If you have a shoulder injury,  please stay upright and work on the shoulder blades deep into the back.
-Quad opener at the wall,  place your left fingertips at the wall.  Grab your right ankle with your right hand,  bring the knees close together,  draw the tailbone forward,  abdomen lifted.  If you have a knee injury,  place a rolled sticky mat behind your knee and use a belt to lift the leg.  Repeat this 2 xs
-Lie down on the floor on your belly.  Be sure to roll the thighs in and extend the buttocks to the heels for a long low back before beginning these!!
-Urdvha Mukha Svanasana,  upward facing dog.  Turn hands out to roll the shoulders back.  Come up on the knees and lift chest.  Maintaining a strong core,  lift the knees a few inches off the ground.  If you cannot lift the knees today, do not worry!  Just stay on the knees and work on the arm strength!
-Salabhasana,  Locust.  Lift your chest,  your arms and your legs off the floor.  Keep the legs straight,  abdomen lifted,  and please breath!
-Bujangasana, Cobra.  Place hands right beside the floating ribs.  Keep the legs straight and hip width apart.  Once again,  focus your attention on the buttocks,  move it towards the heels and then slowly coil your spine up off the floor.  Maintain even steady breath and smile a little.......Backbends make you happy!!
- Dhanurasana,  Bow pose.  Bow,  like a bow and arrow.  Bend the knees and grab both feet with your hands and inhale lift your chest off the floor by pressing your feet into your hands. Breath!!  If you have an injury and cannot grab your feet,  just repeat the last pose and know you are taking care of your body.  That is the hardest thing to learn in yoga,  to listen to your body,  take cues of when to back off, when to modify, when to push.  So listen and let your body be your teacher.
-Adho Mukha Virasana,  Pose of the child.  Time to neutralize!
-Lie down on the back,  place a belt around your heels and straighten out your legs to the ceiling to release the back some more.
-VIparita Karani,  Legs up the wall.

** I have run out of recent photos seniors.  Anyone up for being photographed again??

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