Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sequence from Womens class

Adho Mukha Virasana
Baddhakonasana with brick in between feet at the wall,  go thought all 3 sides to help open hips.  Remember buttocks down,  lumbar to wall, and thoracic spine in
Siddhasana-use blankets if it is difficult to press shins and feet to floor to help extend spine.
Adho Mukha Svanasana-heels halfway up the baseboards
Adho Mukha Svanasana with a yoga slave.....have them press the heels of their hands to the outer edges of your sacrum to help extend spine and straighten legs.
Ardha Uttanasana-hands as high as the hips,  feet under hips. Press hands into wall to extend hips away from ribs to make the spine LONG!  Legs straight.
Uttanasana-full pose with feet hip width
Uttanasana-full pose with feet together
Padangusthasana-full pose
Prasarita Padottanasana-full pose 3 min
Dandasana at wall, measure heels distance away for L-pose
L-pose,  the 1st phase of a handstand.  Hands are where the brick was,  turned out.  Take a short dog pose (the corgi!!)  Then when you feel strong,  walk the feet up the wall in line with the hips and breath ya'll.
Sirsasana with chairs
Purvottanasana with 2 chairs
Viparita Karani with bolster

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